Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Kandi Basics: How to Make a Kandi Cuff

So ya if you have seen my how to read kandi patterns tutorial you already kind of know how to start off a cuff.  In my picture there are 3 different cuffs of 3 different sizes.  
Now when starting a cuff you want to start with a single consisting of however many beads it takes for the pattern you are using or if your not using a pattern, however many beads it takes to go around your wrist and remember that it has to be an even number no matter what.
Then what you want to do is string your sting through the next bead and actually start you pattern, by beading the beads for the 2nd row into every other bead.
Then once you finish that row tie it off, by putting the string between the rows creating a loop and putting the string through that loop and pulling it to create a not. (It's easier to show than say so for that your going to want to watch the video.)
Then after it is tied off you want to string the string up through the next bead and start filling in the gaps left behind in the order of the 3rd row in your row. 
After that row again you want to tie it off.
After you have as many rows as you want or however many you need to complete that pattern tie it off and cut off the extra string and there you go you have a kandi cuff.
Dont forget to watch the video tutorial: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=16nYQPeCKI0,  and comment if you have any questions.

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