Wednesday, October 23, 2013

How to make a kandi 3d cuff

So to make a 3d cuff you first need and x-base cuff, which is the tutorial that I did last week.  So first what you need to do is tie a new piece of string next to a connector bead and thread the string through that connector bead, so that the string is coming through the connector.
Next, what you want to do is thread on 5 beads and thread the string through the diagonal connector bead and thread on another 5 beads and thread the string through the diagonal connector again so it makes a V shape, do that all the way around and when you get back tie it off.  Next what you want to do is string the string up though one of the sets of 5 that you just did, but only up to the middle (point) bead.  Next string on 2 beads and thread the string through the closest diagonal connector and string on another 2 beads and thread the string through the center bead on the next set of 5 do this all the way around till you get back to the beginning and tie it off.  And there you go you have a kandi 3d cuff.  I know this was probably a little confusing but its way easier to see in the tutorial.  Like always if you need any help comment on my channel or look at the tutorial

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