P.L.U.R. Peace Love Unity Respect. P.L.U.R. is a huge Kandi basic that every kandi kid knows and goes by, its almost like a law in the kandi kid world and the world of raves.
P.L.U.R. doesnt just apply to at raves where it happens most but anywhere and anytime you come across another kandi kid. When you trade kandi with others now some people do and some don't, but when you trade you do P.L.U.R. so you and who you'r trading with, first for peace make a peace sign with your fingers, then for love a heart, then for unity you hold the other persons hand and pull the braclete that your trading over your hands, then finally for respect you hug.
Also at raves for P.L.U.R. you follow these 10 rules:
- Give water to someone who needs it
- Accept and respect the crowd and fellow ravers
- Guide someone who is lost
- Trade Kandi
- Console anyone who is upset
- Stay safe
- Smile
- Turn in any lost cell phones
- Sing a song with a stranger
- Spread the love
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