Monday, September 9, 2013

Intro to blog and 20% project

 Hey Youtubers/tumblrs/ random other peoples that happen to stumble across my blog/tumblr/youtube.  So this blog is going to be mainly for my 20% project in my history class, and for the project I am obviously going to be doing some basic kandi tutorials for beginning kandi kids or for anyone that wants to know the basics of making kandi.    Its going to start as very beginner tutorials like how to read patterns and its going to advance to the more difficult tutorials like epic cuffs along with a video tutorial there will sometimes also be a picture tutorial along with it.  I will be putting the videos on my youtube first, and then I will be putting it on my blog with a discription, and if you have any questions you can you can comment on the blog, on my youtube, or even send me a message on my tumblr.
If you want to see more tutorials or a few gameplays please check out my youtube channel:

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