Wednesday, November 13, 2013

3D Kandi: How to make a 3d kandi cube

picture uploaded by: Gift on kandipatterns

So this weeks tutorial will be of a 3d kandi cube that looks like the one in the picture above *points at the picture*.
So first what you need to do is take your string and thread on 8 beads and tie it off, also shape it like a diamond so it makes the who process of making the square easier.  Next what you want to do is thread you string through one of the corners of the diamond and thread on 3 beads and thread the string through the next corner, do that all the way around and tie it off so it should look like a square. You need 6 of those squares so make 5 more exactly the way you made the first one.  Next take 3 of the 6 squares and put 3 corners together and string through the corner of one of the squares and string on another corner of the square and do the same with the other square so you have 1 corner from 3 squares on the string and tie it off.  Then take another square and thread another string through the corner of another square and then tread the string through a corner of 2 of the 3 squares that you already tied together and tie the string.  
So basically your going to be tieing all of the corners together.
And there you go you have a kandi 3d cube.
I know this tutorial was kinda complicated and weird but the cube is really easy to make but its easier to show so I advise you to watch the tutorial that I have if you didnt really get it.

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