So for this tutorial your going to need elastic string, scissors, and pony beads.
1. To start off this tutorial your going to want to make a regular kandi star
2. once you have your star your going to take the string and thread it through one of the beads between the two points (the base bead between the two)
3. add on 3 beads
4. thread the string through the next middle bead so that it makes a point that sits on top of the original point of the star
5. do that all the way around and tie it off
6. take your string and threat it up through the closest set of three beads you just strung on
7. add on one bead and thread your string through the next point so when you pull the string it brings the points together
8. Do that all the way around
9. pull the string it should bring all the points together
10. tie it off and cut off extra string