Tuesday, July 7, 2015

3D Kandi: Half 3D Star Tutorial

Photo added by: RainbowKandiKrazy on Kandipatterns.com


So for this tutorial your going to need elastic string, scissors, and pony beads.
1. To start off this tutorial your going to want to make a regular kandi star 
2. once you have your star your going to take the string and thread it through one of the beads between the two points (the base bead between the two)
3.  add on 3 beads
4. thread the string through the next middle bead so that it makes a point that sits on top of the original point of the star
5. do that all the way around and tie it off
6. take your string and threat it up through the closest set of three beads you just strung on
7. add on one bead and thread your string through the next point so when you pull the string it brings the points together
8. Do that all the way around 
9. pull the string it should bring all the points together
10. tie it off and cut off extra string


I realized that I haven't been keeping up to date on this blogger but if you follow my youtube channel you know that I've been posting videos and nooooow I will be putting up blog posts for those videos so keep an eye on here for step by step word tutorials to go along with my videos

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Kandi Tutorials: Herringbone cuff

picture posted by:

CandyKoRn on kandipatterns http://kandipatterns.com/photo-page/first-harringbone-cuff/42577

So this is going to be one of my very last tutorials I'm going to be making for the 20% project.
This tutorial is more difficult than my last few tutorials so.
To really get a herringbone cuff your going to want more than 3 row because if you have any less it wont turn out right.  Your going to need beads doesnt matter what color, elastic string, and scissors.  Also if you need to modify the size of the cuff you need to either add or subtract by 4 for the cuff to come out right
  1. pull a length of string it doesn't matter how much, you can always add on more when you need to.  Start off with 40 beads as the base.  String them all on and once you get done with that tie the ends together, don't tie it supper tight but not loose either because you want it tight but you want it to stretch and cut off the small piece of string so you have your long piece still.
  2. Next take 20 more beads, before you string the beads on, string through your first bead and add on 2 bead and string through the next bead which should put the 2 beads you just put on right on top of the beads you just strung through, slanting the two rows inward.
  3. Skip over the next 2 beads and string the string through the 3rd bead which should cause the 2 beads you skipped over to slant along with the rest of the cuff.
  4. Next add on the next 2 beads and basically repeat steps 2 and 3 doing that all the way around
  5. when you get to the end of the row you want to skip over the last set of 2 beads and thread your sting up though the second row and the row you just did. Your going to take the end of the string and put it under the string of the bead and that should give you a loop, pull the string through the loop and it should create a not do that a few times and the cuff should come up.
  6. Next thread the string through the next bead by a gap on the cuff, and skip over the gap and thread your string through the next first bead and again add on 2 beads and thread the string through the next bead.
  7. So basically repeat step 2,3, and 5 and once you have the desired hight you want you should have a cuff that looks like the one in the picture above.
Sorry if this tutorial was kind of difficult to understand but watch my tutorial and if you need to I'll post GingerCandE's tutorial as well, but again this is a very difficult tutorial/cuff to make so.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Kandi Tutorial: Kandi All Star Bracelet

Picture posted by: ChelseaSmilesxxx http://kandipatterns.com/photo-page/all-stars/4014

Okay so this weeks tutorial is going to be an all star bracelet *points to the picture*, so basically its a few basic stars tied together at the corners.
So first you want to start off with 10 beads on a string and tie it off and move the beads so that it has 5 corners.  Next what you want to do is thread the leftover string through one of the corners and thread on 3 beads and put the string through the next corner so that it makes a point. Do that all the way around and tie it off.  Depending on your wrist size is how many stars your going to need for me if I just want it to sit at my wrist I need 5 stars if I want it to go up higher I would want 6 stars.
So once you have as many stars as you need lay the stars out almost like it is in the picture above, next take a small string and thread it through one of the bottom points on one of your stars and thread it through the bottom point of the next star and tie them together.  Next take another small string and thread it though the middle point of the same 2 stars and tie the string together and you will get something simillar to the pic. do that with all the stars so it makes a bracelet just like in the picture.
There you go you have an all star picture.
If you need help look at my video tutorial which is in 2 parts. 
Part 1:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EEHx3rgnP0o
Part 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kqrk2DRL1P8

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

3D Kandi: How to make a 3d kandi cube

picture uploaded by: Gift on kandipatterns http://kandipatterns.com/photo-page/3D-Kandi-Cube-Box-/2963

So this weeks tutorial will be of a 3d kandi cube that looks like the one in the picture above *points at the picture*.
So first what you need to do is take your string and thread on 8 beads and tie it off, also shape it like a diamond so it makes the who process of making the square easier.  Next what you want to do is thread you string through one of the corners of the diamond and thread on 3 beads and thread the string through the next corner, do that all the way around and tie it off so it should look like a square. You need 6 of those squares so make 5 more exactly the way you made the first one.  Next take 3 of the 6 squares and put 3 corners together and string through the corner of one of the squares and string on another corner of the square and do the same with the other square so you have 1 corner from 3 squares on the string and tie it off.  Then take another square and thread another string through the corner of another square and then tread the string through a corner of 2 of the 3 squares that you already tied together and tie the string.  
So basically your going to be tieing all of the corners together.
And there you go you have a kandi 3d cube.
I know this tutorial was kinda complicated and weird but the cube is really easy to make but its easier to show so I advise you to watch the tutorial that I have if you didnt really get it.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Kandi Tutorial: Kandi Disk Cuff

Picture uploaded by:  AlecAbhorrence on kandi patterns http://kandipatterns.com/photo-page/sea-life-disk-cuff/10204

So this week's tutorial is of a kandi disk cuff.  Disk cuff's are pretty simple to make and arn't hard.
How to start it off first you need a 1 x high x-base cuff.  Next take a piece of string it doesnt matter the length but it needs to be a good length, and thread it through the center connector bead on the x-base.  Next thread on 5 beads and string the string through the next connector bead so that it makes a point and do that all the way around and when you get back tie it off.  Next thread you sting up through the point/middle bead that you just made and thread on 7 beads and thread your string through the next point, then add on 7 beads and do it again, do that all the way around and tie it off when you get back to where you started and cut off the extra string.  There you go you have a kandi disk cuff.  
If you have any questions or comments like always just comment on my youtube.  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TKe8SnBdzXY

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Kandi Basics: How to Make a Phattie/Double

Picture posted by: Lenacakes on kandipatterns.com
So this weeks tutorial is how to make a double or a phattie either or its the same process except a phattie has and extra step or two.
So to start out you need a single, it you look at the phattie above the single would be 5 beads between every star, in my video tutorials its 4 beads between every star bead.  So once you have your single with however many beads between every star or whatever you want to take you string and thread it through the star bead or whatever in between bead you are using.  Next you want to put on however many beads are between each star, then thread the string through the next star or "connector" bead so thats its the two rows ontop or each other, do that all the way around and tie it off.  At that point if you want to, you can leave it at that and that would be a double but if you want a phattie keep reading.
So if you want a phattie the next step you want to do is thread the string through the start or "connector" bead, afterwords you want to again thread on however meany beads are in-between each "connector" and thread the string through the star/connector again and do that all the way around.  When you get to the end and tie it off it should look like the phattie in the picture above (with different colors obviously).
If you still need help refer to my youtube and comment on the video 